gay sex toys, male

Gay sex toys are available in many shapes and sizes. Not only are these gay sex toys available in different shapes and size. Some gay sex toys are for your penis whilst others are for your bum. In addition there are lots of new gay sex toys aimed at pleasuring your nipples plus almost all other body parts you can speak of.

There really are no limits to the gay sex toys at Esmale, you can have gay sex toys to stimulate any part of the body. Some gay sex toys focus on electric and others on weight or other characteristics that make it sexually appealing and arousing. It is mostly about increasing the intensity of an sexual activity and causing an explosive reault!  

Whatever the focus of gay sex toys, all of them focus on the stimulation of you and the desired part of your body that you wish to pleasure. Every guy is different and with that get turned on from different sexual activities. Some guys get off on having their balls being stretched whilsy others get of on a good stretching of the anus, each to their own. It is because of all these differences between gay and bi men that we have so many gay sex toys aimed at all of you! 

Gay sex toys are here to make guys enjoy sexual sensations and often to also make your orgasms more intense.

The gay sex toys in our esmale store are focussed on making sure there is horny pleasure in using them, and the quality of the gay sex toys is very high. The majority of the products in store have been tested to ensure the very best results.

Many of our gay sex toys are produced in the USA and China, but Europe is slowly getting there. Interestingly enough, Europe is very strong in the distribution of gay sex toys with Esmale at the forefront.

Overall in the glossary section of the esmale website there will be plenty of information on several gay sex toys and hopefully you will find all the info and the items you are after.

If after reading all the information on gay sex toys and you still have questions please feel free to e-mail team esmale on

Team esmale, essentially for men!